Good News /Huifeng was successfully approved to set up a postdoctoral workstation

Update:12 Dec 2022

After the preliminary application and review, Huifeng w […]

After the preliminary application and review, Huifeng was approved to set up a provincial workstation, which marks that the company has made a major breakthrough in the cultivation of high-level talents and the construction of scientific research platforms.

In order to seize the national strategic opportunity, promote the high-quality development of the hospital,
and improve the level of scientific research and discipline construction,
under the strong support and guidance of the Haining Human Resources and Social Security Bureau,
the company officially launched the application for the provincial postdoctoral workstation in early 2022.

The post-doctoral workstation is an important platform for cultivating high-level talents and a high-quality carrier for introducing high-level talents.
The company will cultivate high-level talents through the joint training model and rely on the superior resources of universities to enhance the company's competitiveness in the industry.

The company has always implemented the strategy of "strengthening the enterprise with talents".
The successful establishment of the post-doctoral workstation is an innovative way for the construction of talent projects and a new way for the company to gather high-level scientific research talents.

The new platform breeds new development. In the days to come, the company will take the workstation as the platform,
strictly follow the various management systems and requirements of the provincial post-doctoral workstation, effectively strengthen the active role of the workstation in the cultivation and introduction of talents,
and encourage relevant professional doctors to enter At the same time, it also attracts more high-tech talents to join, promotes the cultivation of talents, strives to build a national scientific research workstation,
and promotes the company's high-quality development.


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